Women's Health Services

Women's health / Sexual Health
Includes management of:
menstrual concerns
STD screening
thrush & vulvovaginal issues
Cervical screening Test (CST or previously known as a Pap Smear)

Contraceptive advice and coordination specific to you and your individual needs and preferences.

Chronic gynaecological conditions
such as endometriosis, PCOS, adenomyosis, PMDD
Assessment, investigation and management of chronic gynaecological conditions. Referral if needed to an appropriate gynaecologist.

Breast Health
Assessment & management of any breast concerns, education regarding breast issues, breast self examination and breast cancer screening.

Perinatal mental health
Assessment and management of any mental health concerns before, during and after pregnancy. Providing mental health care to women who feel they may need some extra support before and after their baby is born.

Perinatal Care - pregnancy planning, fertility, pregnancy care, postnatal care of mum & baby
Any pregnancy or postnatal related concern or issue.
See "Services".